key visual_sight site studio

アップサイクルクラフトスタジオ「SIGHT SITE STUDIO」について

SIGHT SITE STUDIOは、マテリアルをリサーチし、作り手にリスペクトを払い、現代のライフスタイルに合わせて再構築するという「Re-search, Re-spect, Re-construct」をコンセプトに、これまでの生産方法である「何をつくる」から、今あるものを使って「どうつくる」という方法にシフトし、環境へ配慮しながらデザインで変化を起こしていく実験場です。


The concept of SIGHT SITE STUDIO is “Re-search, Re-spect, Re-construct”. We research about the existing materials, pay respect to whom made those, and reconstruct the culture and stereotypes by thinking how to make them rather than what to make to produce better influence and less waste for our earth.

With a love for Japanese craftsmanship, we focus on kimono which is environmentally low-impact and domestic secondhand materials yet easily forgotten these days.

This brand is the journey to up-cycle our heritage to fit it into our modern lifestyle.